This is the simple way to take your lettering on the go! The Perfect Travel Bundle combines my Perfect Pen Pouch, my three favorite brush pens, and 3 Perfect Lettering Notebooks in one. A notebook will fit inside the pen pouch with your pens, it's so so handy!
When I'm traveling for the summer, or even just headed to the backyard for a little me time, it can be hard to make sure I have my art supplies with me. So I made an oversized pen pouch that is big enough for my larger pens (I'm looking at you Tombow Dual Brush pens!) as well as a paper notebook.
The pen pouch comes with my three favorite brush pens: The Tombow Fudenosuke Hard Nib Brush Pen, The Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pen, and the Tombow Dual Brush Pen. They are all BLACK and are perfect for beginners and experts (I still grab one of these 90% of the time!)
The zipper pouch is made of canvas and comes in two color options, dark teal/green printing or in pink canvas with white print.
The Perfect Lettering Notebooks were my solution to another problem I kept having - finding paper that is right for brush pen lettering. Printer paper can be too rough for my nice brush pens and can bleed through easily. So I made a small notebook with the same paper I use for my lettering instructional books. There are 48 pages of 80 lb smooth lettering paper that won’t bleed or ruin your nice brush pens. The notebooks measure 5.5" x 8.5" and are full of alternate pages of Dot Grid spread and Blank Page spreads.
You can take them on the go with you and fill them with whatever you choose - lettering practice, grocery lists, church notes, travel memories, to-do lists - you name it!